
Letters to the Editor:

From Attorney Misty Muter:

I am writing to express my support for Nancy Thome for Sauk County Circuit Court Judge. Firstly, I want to commend both candidates for their willingness to serve our community. Each has demonstrated admirable qualities. However, after careful consideration and assessment of their platforms and experience, I firmly believe that Nancy Thome is the best choice. Two reasons. First, she has been a practicing attorney in Wisconsin for 28 years. Her opponent, 10 years. This extensive experience equips her with a deep understanding of legal principles, precedents, and nuances, which are essential for making informed and fair judgments. Second, Nancy has demonstrated a genuine commitment to the Sauk County Community. She has lived, worked, and served numerous non-profit organizations in our Sauk County Community for the past 28 years. She has gained a deep understanding of our community dynamics, needs and challenges. This allows her to apply the law within the context of our community. 

I encourage you to join me in voting for Nancy Thome on April 2, 2024.

From Laurie Busse:

I was thrilled to recently become aware that a former employer of mine, Attorney Nancy Thome, is currently running for Sauk County Circuit Court Judge. My reason for writing this letter is to enthusiastically show my support for her candidacy. As her Legal Assistant for almost a year, I found her to be understanding, patient, and extremely professional. While working for her, my husband became terminally ill, forcing me to change my hours and eventually leave my position to be a caretaker for my husband. Attorney Thome was so kind and understanding during that entire time. In fact, I still contact her for legal advice and when I need legal work completed. I know Attorney Nancy Thome will make a great Circuit Court Judge due to her fairness, strong work ethic, and exemplary knowledge of the law. Undoubtedly, each case that comes before her, along with each decision she makes, will be carefully and thoroughly researched and

studied. The Sauk County Court will benefit from her professionalism as well as her fairness, expertise, and wisdom. I hope all Sauk County residents will give serious consideration for Attorney Nancy Thome as a new Sauk County Circuit Court Judge.

From Lori Udelhofen

I had the privilege of working at a law firm in Sauk County for nearly 20 years and had the pleasure of working with many local attorneys, one of which was Nancy Thome. Nancy was always very knowledgeable and professional to work with (even if we represented client’s “on opposing sides”!). I know she has been a respected member of the Sauk County legal community for nearly three decades. She also has an extensive record of public and community service including the Baraboo School Board, Baraboo Community Development Authority, and multiple local non-profit boards. Nancy has been very involved and invested in Sauk County and its citizens for many years. That is the type of person that should be elected to the position of Circuit Court Judge.

It is important to me as a long-time citizen of Sauk County that the judges whom we elect are capable and qualified to fill that very important role. I have working experience with both candidates in this election, and I must say that I fully and completely endorse Nancy Thome as the most experienced and qualified attorney/candidate to fill the position of Circuit Court Judge in Sauk County. Please vote on April 2nd!

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