A trial judge is like a referee in a football game. They are not there to play for one side or the other. Their job is to make sure the rules of the game are followed, so that both sides feel they were treated fairly. Perhaps you have watched a football game where your team lost, but you felt the referees made correct calls. It's easier to accept the loss because you feel both teams were treated fairly. On the other hand, have you watched a game where your team lost, and you felt the referees made several wrong calls that favored the other team? In that situation, it's harder to accept the loss because you feel the referee was biased. Like a referee, a trial judge's job is to make correct calls (rulings). 

What type of judge will I be? I will be a nonpartisan, common sense judge, who, like a good referee, will make correct calls, so that no matter who loses, both sides will walk away feeling that they were treated fairly.  

How will I do that? I will decide cases based only on the law, without allowing my personal or political preferences to influence my rulings; and by deferring to the United States Constitution, prior court decisions (precedent), the legislative branch (statutes), and the executive branch (administrative codes).  

When the law is unclear, or when there is no law that applies to the issue before me, I will use common sense and Sauk County community standards to guide me, in addition to any available evidence of lawmaker intent. 

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